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Woodfill Elementary’ s Inclusive Playground

The students at Woodfill Elementary School, in Ft. Thomas, Kentucky, have many reasons to be excited about the new synthetic turf surface that was installed on their playground this summer.  For them, this project was truly a labor of love. The journey began a couple of years ago when a group of third graders raised a concern after recess. They noticed that not all students could play together on the playground because the mulch was problematic—it would get stuck in coats and shoes, and it made it difficult for students with special needs to join in the fun.

Our landscape designers teaching the kids at Woodfill!

From that initial conversation, these students rallied the entire community to create positive change. They started by inviting Viox & Viox’s Landscape Architecture and Planning team to visit the school. Our amazing landscape designers delivered a comprehensive presentation that explained their roles, the ADA requirements for playgrounds, examples of projects they have completed that meet these standards, and information on accessible and inclusive playground equipment. Our team then engaged in a Q&A session with the students by exploring ideas to enhance playground accessibility at their school.

After further research, the third graders’ initiative to make Woodfill Elementary’s playground more inclusive for students with special needs was introduced. The students presented their plan not only to the teachers and principal at Woodfill, but also to the board of education. When the school was ready to move forward with the project, Viox & Viox recommended using artificial turf and suggested consulting with a turf specialist. Our Landscape Architecture team specifically recommended Thomas Ziegan from Keepers Turf, who provided them with a cost estimate.

With the cost determined, it was time to start fundraising. The Woodfill PTO made the playground project a priority for their fundraising efforts. Meanwhile, the students launched their own fundraiser, selling painted flowerpots, microgreens, and lettuce starter cells for small farming at the Fort Thomas Farmers’ Market. Through the combined efforts of the PTO and the market sales, Woodfill raised $65,000. With $20,000 still needed, the school turned to the Fort Thomas Education Foundation (FTEF) and submitted a grant request. Our CEO, Megan deSola, who is part of the FTEF, said, “This grant request was a no brainer for our Teacher Grant Committee.  We really wanted to be a part of it and couldn’t wait to surprise Woodfill with the money to fund this student-led project.”

  • Woodfill playground before turf
  • Woodfill playground with turf

Woodfill fulfilled the promise made to those students, who are now in fifth grade, by installing the turf in time for the 2024-2025 school year and entirely transforming recess. Kevin Mulroney with TMS Construction, a Woodfill parent, provided the mulch removal and site grading needed for the turf installation. With a more accessible turf playground in place, the students are now setting their sights on acquiring new, more inclusive playground equipment. Viox & Viox is deeply honored to have been part of this incredible project and to have had the opportunity to volunteer in support of our communities. It’s truly inspiring to see young people lead such impactful change to benefit others. Kudos to the Woodfill students for recognizing the importance of designing playgrounds that all children, regardless of ability, can enjoy!

For more on Woodfill Elementary’ s inclusive turf playground click here.